INT has been acquired by SLB! For more information on how our flagship products will continue to develop with expanded support and integration, read here.

Visualization for OSDU (HTML5)

As operators embark on their OSDU journey, they must bring new applications online, re-tool legacy apps, and deliver a delightful user experience for cloud computing, subsurface data management, and AI/Machine Learning and analysis.

With IVAAP, product owners and developers can accelerate the delivery of a powerful front-end UI in the cloud with all the necessary subsurface data visualization capabilities to explore, select OSDU data, and enrich with automation and ML.

What Is OSDU?

The OSDU Forum seeks to reduce data silos to enable transformational workflows, accelerate the deployment of emerging digital solutions for better decision making and create an open, standards-based ecosystem that drives innovation for the energy industry.

The Mercury Release of the OSDU Data Platform is the result of a collaborative project to deliver an industry-developed Open Source solution to meet the needs of the energy industry.

This first production release of the OSDU Data Platform will be available to anyone who wants to:

  • Have a single data platform that liberates data from traditional silos and makes all data discoverable and usable.
  • Enable new ways of performing integrated exploration and development workflows reducing the overall cycle time.
  • Take advantage of Cloud Technology to provide scalability and accelerate decision making.

Learn more about OSDU

Powerful Visualization in Your Workflow with Delightful User Experience

IVAAP offers all the key steps of the workflow out-of-the-box to conduct data exploration, data selection, and launch your ML and workflows and visualize your results. With IVAAP’s advanced domain visualization, you can view wells, seismic, and other data in context from a single point of access.

The IVAAP user experience augments the collaborative workspace with reporting, co-visualization capabilities, and intuitive features to quickly launch external ML programs, and many more robust features.

OSDU Visualized on the IVAAP Platform


Make Machine Learning Visible

OSDU adopters are looking to leverage ML/AI to automate certain tasks of quality assurance, analysis, and calculation and have developed ML programs and functions over time or new applications to provide this data science. What about consuming the data?  

IVAAP is a cost-effective solution to make your science accessible, to search that data, to select that data, to launch ML/AI programs, and visualize its results

IVAAP comes with connectors to any ML/AI program to enable users to consume and interact with data. The IVAAP ML/AI connector offers a unique way to embed visualization into your application ecosystem using JSON Forms through a dynamic UI according to the ML/AI programs which are selected without programming. Users will be prompted for the input and output relevant to the function that they invoke. 

Developers can build this dynamic UI without coding just by leveraging IVAAP’s ML/AI connector.

Here is an overview of how the IVAAP ML/AI works:


Data Ecosystem

Why Select IVAAP as Part of Your OSDU Ecosystem?

  • IVAAP can be deployed easily to create a data portal (subsurface, exploration, QA portal…).
  • The same IVAAP platform can be used to offer the frontend UI to new apps with all the data connections needed to access and visualize – each app can be customized to have its own User Experience and workflow.
  • IVAAP can provide a cost- and time-effective path to bring legacy apps to the cloud by integrating.
  • IVAAP can help avoid rebuilding visualization components for each app by re-using the same technology.

In short, IVAAP can help avoid duplication of effort and accelerate deployment.


IVAAP History Within OSDU

Creating a common environment hosted in the cloud enables oil and gas companies to efficiently access massive amounts of data, reduce data silos, collaborate remotely, implement machine learning (ML), and lower the cost of operations. 

INT has worked with OSDU since inception to ensure seamless integration and to put data at the center of the subsurface community.

IVAAP has been part of OSDU since the beginning:

  • Provided IVAAP free of charge for implementation of R1 and R2
  • Extensive testing of platform services
  • Contribution to build the CRS conversion, JNI APIs for OpenVDS support
  • Supports AWS, Azure, GCP, and IBM cloud
  • Ready to support R3

IVAAP OSDU timeline


expand/collapse list

  • Visualizations include: well display, log curves, lithologies, schematics, well correlation, log curves. Seismic 2D/3D traces and headers, surface, reservoir grid.
  • Search and access all metadata.
  • Data exploration with map and data selection.
  • Combines data on the fly from wells, seismic, and many other sources.
  • Supports industry data standards, including OSDU, PPDM, WITSML, and several commercial databases.
  • Enables user co-visualization.
  • Combines data types like real-time, historical, 2D/3D seismic, reservoir, and more in your web browser.
  • User workflows are seamlessly executed across the OSDU data platform, taking advantage of powerful cloud-native solutions.
  • Deployable in the cloud.
  • API for accessing OSDU Wellbore DDMS.

Business Impact

Using the OSDU data platform translates to real business impact for companies:

  • Removing data silos leads to better, faster business decisions and improved efficiency.
  • Centralizing data in one platform means stronger collaboration among teams and reduces time spent finding and moving data.
  • Accessing all your global data — historical, real-time, and legacy — all in one place saves time and increases accuracy across teams.
  • Supporting new energy data types means you can be ready to adapt to new business domains.

Learn how IVAAP optimizes your data on OSDU by providing advanced visualization, increasing the quality of your analysis, and enabling stronger, more strategic decisions.

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