This release delivers several key enhancements and quality improvements that build upon the functionality and stability of the toolkit. Optional rendering using the JOGL Java™ library is available which provides another level of performance thanks to advanced use of GPU acceleration and is fully compatible with the standard Java2D version.
- Added analysis package. Contains FFT, Windowing and various math functions.
- Allow user to clip a JCarnac layer. The clip region can be defined very flexibly.
- Added support for CGM transparency, layers and improved text placement.
- Polar chart improvements: added new base class cgPolarChartVisual that is extended by cgRoseDiagramVisual and cgRoseHistogramVisual. Allows improved API to the polar charts. cgPolarChartVisual objects do not support shadow or 3D effects.
- Added cgRoseHistogramControlPanel.
- Added Tornado chart (cgTornadoChartVisual and associated tutorial TornadoChartDemo).
- Added support for large color maps.
- Improved picking: added a sinc interpolation and fixed errors.
- Added ability to highlight traces in density mode.
- Per pipeline control of anti-aliasing.
- Added support for variable spaced traces in cgGenericSeismicImage.
- Added cgAdaptiveDoubleArrayData with flexible ability to add real-time data at any part of the log curve depth range.
- Great improvement in deviated tracks to make smoother and a simpler API (setDeviationType either MD or TVD). Added support for seismic and image shapes in deviated tracks.
- Added support for array log curves to the LAS parser and added support for string valued log data to the LAS and DLIS parsers.
- Added clipping support for micro positioned log visuals.
- Added support for direct color model to seismic classes.
- Fixes for SimpleLabelDecorationPainter, DynamicRightLabelLayoutStrategy and DynamicLeftLabelLayoutStrategy to insure labels pin to the edge of the viewport instead of partially rendering off-screen.
- Trajectory bug fix — WellboreStationTrajectory. Fixed bug which would prevent plots from deviating if the starting depth was equal to 0.
- Changed cement.svg to be light grey instead of candy stripes.
- Added support for stacked cgContourShape objects in cgShapeListLayer or cgStackedPlotView.
- Added option to disable/enable boundary smoothing when isoline smoothing is enabled using cgContourShape#setSmoothBoundary(boolean)
- Color map now supports transparency.
- Updated label placement and filtering algorithm to improve accuracy and reduce memory footprint.
- Isoline smoothing will automatically disable if the input file provided to cgContourShape#setGrid(cgContourGenericGrid) has over 50,000 triangles. cgContourShape#setSmoothIsolines(boolean) can be called after the contour is loaded to re-enable isoline smoothing but it is not recommended.