22 June 2022
We’re pleased to present the release notes for GeoToolkit C++ 4.7.
We’re pleased to present the release notes for GeoToolkit C++ 4.7.
Release Notes:
- GeoToolkit interfaces changed to use smart-pointers
- Introduced Python wrappers over GeoToolkit code
- Introduced multi-dimensional array
- Improved Unicode compatibility
- Added support for compilation under C++17 standard
- Added support for Qt6
- Removed different definitions of Pi
- Removed usage of deprecated methods
- Fixed naming convention (Abs, Sin, etc)
- Added cgEllipseSymbolPainter with rotation
- cgAlgorithmFactory: added method processor_features_mask to switch off usage of specific processor features
- cgTimeStats: added calculation of min, max, RMS, stats map by name
- Namespace Qt3to4 replaced with QtPortability
- Improved performance of web map tile service (WMTS) printing and print preview
- Improved quality of tiled images rendering in Map module
- Improved cgQInlineTextEditorTool
- cgQDoubleEditor: added handling of specific strings (nan, inf, -inf, max, -max)
- Implemented rotated cgEllipseDrawing shape
- Replaced QFileDialog with cgQUtil when opening files to prevent missing file extension under Linux
- Updated documentation and screenshots
- Introduced GraphicAttributeMenu for quick edit graphic object properties
- Added Gauss curve for Histogram chart
- Added possibility to set external centile algorithm into cgQHistogramStatistics
- Added support for ArcGIS tile service and ArcGIS feature service
- Added GraphicAttributeMenu tutorial
- Added ArcGISMap tutorial
- Prevented crash and other problems in data transformation
- Huffman decode: prevented garbage in output array when insufficient input data
- Fixed minimum desired size for cgQLabelWrapperComponent
- Fixed crash after axes swapping
- Fixed labels overlapping in rotated cgAxisDrawing
- Fixed axis ticks rendering out of borders
- Fixed some issues in charts
- Print Setup dialog: fixed marking of paper formats as “Preview only”
- Added support for contour grid interpolation (thin plate and Kriging algorithms)
- Added IrregularGrid tutorial
- Removed deprecated WellLogComponentQt library
- Removed usage of deprecated methods
- Introduced new tools
- Upgraded MoveWellTool
- Updated DLIS curves parsing
- cgQWellLogLithologyTool: added access to cgQWellLogLithologyFill
- cgQWellLogZoomTool introduced
- cgQWellLogToolTipTool introduced
- Fixed crash in cgLasWriter::add_parameter
- Fixed GhostTool issues
- Fixed memory leaks in piecewise transformer and las parser
- Added vectorization of seismic compression/decompression algorithms
- Improved performance of taper filter
- Improved performance of FFT
- Improved performance of seismic queries with empty traces
- Removed usage of deprecated methods
- Added cgSeismicVisual::density_scale
- Added cgQRemoteSeismicSection and traces preloading support
- Added trace allocation using smart pointers
- Added class cgCumulativeSeismicStatistics
- Added seismic visual normalization modes for whole section stats
- Added vectorized versions (SSE and AVX) of AGC filter
- Added handling of null and protected samples in сompression
- Added progress callback interface and support for progress bar when executing seismic queries
- Added new requests handling in seismic server
- Added SeismicQueryProgress tutorial
- Fixed crash when executing seismic query with non-existent key
- Fixed seismic limits
- Fixed usage of NaN as null sample value
- Fixed wiggle clipping combination with wiggle anti-aliasing
- Fixed handling of samples that have absolute value greater than 2.1E9
- Fixed cgAdaptiveTraceTickGenerator in reverse mode
- Fixed transposing hang-up, added warnings about inappropriate index type or possibly incorrect data
- Prevent export of STL classes in CarnacSeismic library to avoid link conflicts
- Bug fixes
- Fixed memory leak in QAbstractLabelFactory