1 August
IVAAP Featured in Oil IT Journal
IVAAP, INT's new visualization and analytics platform, is featured in O&G tech publication Oil IT Journal.More
20 July
INT Releases HTML5Viewer 2.3
With several new features and refinements, including integrated local file system support and easier drag and drop functionality for external files and links, HTML5Viewer 2.3 runs smoother and better than ever. Check out the full list of updates here.More
12 June
INT Collaborates with RPT AS to build ENTER
We’ve partnered with Rock Physics Technology (RPT AS) to develop ENTER, a new quantitative interpretation and analysis software package built using INTViewer, our data analysis and visualization platform. By providing a powerful platform for the whole geoteam, ENTER takes an innovative approach to quantitative interpretation that will help geologists and geophysicists to get the most out of their seismic data.More
8 June
INT Releases GeoToolkit.NET 3.8
Interactive Network Technologies, Inc. (INT) is pleased to announce the release of GeoToolkit 3.8. This release contains several enhancements, including support for DirectX technology and a range of new charts. We've added: Support for DirectX graphics technology; New Bubble, Radar and Area Charts; Support for Multi-lateral, Multi-string Schematics; A WellLog writer to support Las2 and Las3 formats; Support to communicate with the Wellsite Information Transfer Specification (WITS); A new Seismic filter for low resolution display; Support for “short” number format in SEG-Y reader; and Support for ARGB rasterization mode.More
25 May
New Product Launch – IVAAP
INT is proud to announce the launch of IVAAP, our data visualization and analysis development platform for web applications.More
4 May
INT Releases INTViewer 5.2
INTViewer 5.2 introduces more than 100 enhancements, including better performance, new UI design, presentation capabilities and Python automation. This release incorporates user feedback and improves geoscience analysis and QC/QA tasks with a better user experience.More
4 May
HTML5Viewer 2.2 Release
HTML5Viewer 2.2 includes updates to the Seismic and Log Viewers and offers two versions of SDK. In addition to improvements in data validation, unit systems, and window templates, HTML5Viewer 2.2 features enhanced saving and template options, improved folder navigation, and additional support for viewing and interacting with data.More
23 May
INT Releases GeoToolkit.JS 2.2
GeoToolkit.JS is a package of libraries and widgets, written in JavaScript, enabling software developers to rapidly deploy Upstream E&P data visualization and analysis technology in applications that run seamlessly on any device: from desktop to mobile devices.More
15 April
INT Releases HTML5Viewer 2.1
Specifically designed for the modern internet environment, INTs HTML5 viewers provide high quality visualization and QC of geophysical data anywhere on the web. The viewers run natively in compatible browsers from desktops to mobile devices and require no software installation on the client.More
15 April
INT Releases GeoToolkit.NET 3.7
Specifically designed for the Microsoft.NET environment, GeoToolkit.NET delivers high performance graphics capabilities for Oil and Gas E&P applications being developed in the C# language. GeoToolkit versions are also available for HTML5 (javascript), Java and C++.More