Thank you for evaluating INTViewer. Below you will find useful tips to help you install, configure, and run INTViewer, plus highlights of some of the important features you don’t want to miss during your evaluation.
- Make sure the 64-bit version of Oracle Java SE 8 or 11 is installed. You can also use OpenJDK 11 (download here).
- Install the latest vendor-specific device driver for your system’s video card in order to best support the OpenGL 3D graphics.
- Install INTViewer – double-click on file INTViewerInstaller.jar or run the command line java -jar INTViewerInstaller.jar
- Copy the license file (license.dat) into the main folder where you have installed INTViewer.
Running INTViewer
- On Windows: If you checked “Create additional shortcuts on the desktop” option when installing INTViewer, then just double-click on the INTViewer icon in your desktop. Otherwise, you will find the INTViewer shortcut in the Start menu.
- On Linux: Navigate to the INTViewer installation in a terminal window and execute the shell script.
Java Configuration
If no Java runtime is found automatically, or if you have several versions of Java installed on your computer, you can select the path of the desired Java runtime. Just set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
- Before starting INTViewer, open the “System” Control Panel. Select the “Advanced” tab. Click the “Environment Variables” button. Click “New”. Enter JAVA_HOME as “Variable name” and the path of your Java installation as “Variable value”. For example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1
- On Linux: Before starting INTViewer, execute the command line export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jre, where /usr/jre is the path of the Java Runtime. Set this environment variable as part of your shell start file.
After starting INTViewer, if you are unsure which version of Java you are running, open the Help → Get Support screen in INTViewer and locate the ====JAVA==== section. This section indicates the current version of Java and its installation path.
Memory Configuration
By default, INTViewer is set up to use a maximum of 4 GB of memory. This should be fine in most cases, even if you are dealing with very large seismic datasets. However, this may not be sufficient if you are trying to load large horizon files or want to load a large volume in memory. You can change the memory settings by setting the INTVIEWER_MEMORY_SETTINGS environment variable.
- On Windows: Before starting INTViewer, open the “System” Control Panel. Select the “Advanced” tab. Click the “Environment Variables” button. Click “New”. Enter INTVIEWER_MEMORY_SETTINGS as “Variable name” and your memory settings as “Variable value”. For example: -J-Xms1g -J-Xmx8g to set a maximum of 8 GB
- On Linux: Before starting INTViewer, execute the command line export INTVIEWER_MEMORY_SETTINGS=”-J-Xms1g -J-Xmx8g”, where -J-Xms1g -J-Xmx8g is your memory setting for a maximum of 8 GB. Set this environment variable as part of your shell start file.
Make sure the maximum is smaller than the amount of physical memory in your machine.
INTViewer has a plugin architecture and INT maintains a site that contains many optional plugins for INTViewer. To view and download those plugins, check the option Tools → Download Plugins and go to the tab Available Plugins. You will be able to select and install any additional plugin that you may need.
Features you should not miss
- Indexing Tutorial – INTViewer will directly load most seismic file formats such as SEG-Y, SU, JavaSeis, SEP, etc. However, to take full advantage of the random access capability of the viewer (inlines, crosslines, gathers, arbitrary slices, etc.), for most formats it is necessary that you index your data.
- Transpose Tutorial – To access time slices in a map view or a 3D volume without loading the volume in memory you will need to transpose it.
- XSection and Map views (Cube Tutorial) – A basic tutorial on creating XSection and Map views.
- 3D Viewer Tutorial – View this tutorial to learn more about the 3D viewer.