GeoToolkit.JS 2024 Release Notes

July 2024

We’re pleased to present the release notes for GeoToolkit.JS 2024


  • Polar Chart: Rose diagram, line chart, crossplot based on new ChartWidget
  • Ternary Chart: Based on new Chart Widget
  • Error Chart
  • ToolTip API
  • Added support of attached headers and footers to MultiWellWidget
  • Added proportional and equal distance spacing between wells
  • Improve performance and memory usage in CrossPlot
  • Line chart colored by other variable
  • Added 3D Reservoir along well trajectory
  • Improved 3D Volume Rendering
  • Development tool extension for Chrome browser
  • Tranparency support for each type of density, fills, traces in Seismic display

Release Notes
Highlights of the new release include:

Demos and Tutorials

  • New Charts demo
  • Production Monitoring Dashboard demo
  • Composite log curve tutorial
  • Depth limits customization section to WellLog/MultiWell/Customization tutorial
  • Example of custom visual
  • Example and support in MultiWell Widget to show proportional distance mode between wells
  • Improved WidgetsInteraction tutorial


  • Polar system with LineChart, AreaChart and CrossPlot for new charts
  • Logic to swap axes
  • Support of reference line as a shape to TimeSeriesWidget
  • Polar and ternary tools
  • Line chart colored by other variable
  • Added charts rotation for Bubble, CrossPlot, LineChart
  • Added Ternary system with LineChart, AreaChart and CrossPlot for new charts
  • Added option to have animation for AnnotatedWidget to pan to position
  • Improved regression lines: added labels


  • Added getChildren method to CompositeNode
  • Added setLoadTimeout method for PatternFactory
  • Improved tooltip tool to manually show and hide tooltip
  • Allowed custom composite editors
  • Added new ToolTip API
  • Added auto-hide and fading to ToolTip and ToolTipTool


  • Added schematics support for react-native
  • Implemented SyncVisibleRange for schematics widget
  • Implemented new tooltip


  • Add alpha support for each type of density, fills, traces and traces by status
  • Serialize positive, negative color fill and trace styles in addition to colormap name
  • Added Panning support for Axis in Seismic and Annotated Widget

Well Log

  • Added support of attached headers and footers to MultiWellWidget
  • Added default tooltips for all visuals
  • Added proportional distance mode for correlation display
  • Added support multiple zones to AdaptiveLogHeader
  • Added LogSeismicVisual
  • Added secondary axis to WellLog
  • Added LAS 3.0 writer
  • Provided tooltip registry to provide tooltips for different visuals
  • Added gradient fill support to LogBarVisual
  • Added support of VisibleDepthLimitsChanged on WellTrack
  • Added multi line text support for LogLithology labels and headers
  • Added text orientation for MudLog
  • Added attached headers and footers to well tracks
  • Added new options for LogTrackVisualHeader
  • Added StackedFill::setGapValue and the rest API related to Gap processing
  • Added option to enable / disable navigation
  • Added “‘axis'[‘options’][‘tickgenerator’] should support callback, to dynamically create new instance of tick generator or options”
  • Added additional options to set CssClasses map for AnchorTypes
  • Added unsorted index data support for curve editor
  • Added simple implementation of getMaxLabels for SecondaryTickGenerator
  • Added FillStyle support to AccumulationCycle visual
  • Added get/setProperties implementation to LogDiscreteCurveVisualHeader
  • Added new default tooltips fro existing visuals
  • Added fit-to-content option for scroll bars
  • Redesigned AdaptiveLogHeader to support multiple zones, non text element positioning and wrapped text ‘cut’: ‘wrap’
  • Added common headers for visuals with same Elements
  • Added text orientation for MudLog visual
  • Added microposition support to WaveSeismicImage visual
  • Used clone method to export LogSeismicVisual
  • Added option to specify a distance to draw a gap in Log2DVisual
  • Added new symbol decimation API

Carnac 3D

  • 3D Reservoir along well trajectory
  • Reviewed tutorials look and feel and description
  • Improved 3D Volume Rendering
  • Added HighlightMode to PointSet
  • Added WellLog Array 2D
  • Added Horizontal anchor option for 3D labels
  • Added tick generators to PolarGrid
  • Added threshold parameter to outlinePass + changed edgeStrength interval
  • Added HighlightMode to PointSet
  • Enabled antialiasing for compass
  • Added defaultposition option and PositionChanged event to MeasuringTool
  • Added DefaultPointsPickingMaterial
  • Added transparency to ReservoirGrid
  • Added MSAA option to 3D


  • Added epsg 4230 to the list of supported coordinate systems